Power of a Letter

At this time of year, many Sales & Nonprofit leaders are feverishly writing Thank You notes to partners in their mission. There is something powerful about a hard written letter in today’s digital world. The excitement one feels when receiving a personal piece of mail sends the message of caring, respect and value. It got me thinking……

So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:11 

The Bible is a collection of God-breathed letters to churches, leaders, encouraging them or instructing them how to live for Christ and how to stay steadfast in their mission. Paul wrote this letter to the church in Thessalonica to encourage and reassure believers to remain faithful in the midst of difficult times. Paul wrote 14 letters or books in the Bible and all were very powerful to people’s spiritual growth and affirmation.

I think there is something special about letters and going to your mailbox and seeing an envelope that has your name printed on it in human handwriting! I want to be more conscious of doing little things that can make a BIG difference so this year I am going to write anyone a hand-written letter to those who want one!

Do you want a handwritten note from me?

All you have to do is email me your mailing address at Michael@FishTankFaith.com with a subject line of “I want a Note.” Tell me what’s going on in your life and how I can make a difference. Share your dream for this upcoming year so I can encourage & affirm you in pursuit of your purpose and faithwalk.

I find the dream is free but the journey isn’t.. Over my career I have helped others strive to reach their dream;

  • Trying to become the oldest player drafted at 33 and make an NFL team. (Brandon Crawford)
  • Becoming the first African-American to sail solo around the world. (Donald Lawson Racing)
  • Trying to “make it” in the music world. (Chasing Ella)

Each needed notes of encouragement and affirmation while journeying. How about you? Let me know if you want me to write you a handwritten note to help keep you going. Think BIG, dream BIG, act BIG in obedience, and leave the results to a BIG GOD!

Reflection |

How could you affirm & encourage someone close to you by writing them a note?

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