Increase our Faith!

I recently asked a donor a simple question: “What has been the impact of your financial gift on your own faith?”.  Notice that I did not say on the project or cause but on his personal faith. He was speechless as no one had ever asked him that nor has he ever thought about it. He then had a look of concern because he realized that perhaps he has been giving out of his own strength and not in faith.

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” – Luke 17:5

“We need more faith and tell us how to get it” they asked him. The apostles were not asking Jesus for faith but for more faith. They had been following Jesus for some time leaving their jobs, families, and homes. They had been wowed by Jesus’ healings, watching Him challenge powerful religious officials, and participating in unlikely miracles and, as a result of these incredible events, they became scared. I think they thought to themselves, “Wow, this is all great Jesus, but we could never do these things.”

The disciples had saving faith but they wanted more faith in order to do the works Jesus did: forgive, heal, and love enemies. Jesus did not give them a secret formula but rather told them a story of a small seed that screamed they had as much faith as they would need to do what He wanted them to do. And so do we. We do not need more faith, we need to use the faith that we have!

The usual response for gaining faith is by hearing God’s Word. As faith takes root in us, it necessitates that we do something with it. To increase our faith, just like any good thing in your life, requires effort. What I find is God uses our situations, people, and circumstances to bring out the faith that is dormant in us.

  • Increase my faith to share You with a foul-mouth boss
  • Increase my faith as I let my daughter work through finding herself
  • Increase my faith to forgive my spouse and let it go
  • Increase my faith as my Plan B is now Plan G

Jesus is not interested in our doing great things for Him; He is interested in us doing things for others in obedience to Him which causes people to see how great God is.

I think greater faith is a by-product of greater love for Jesus. When we love more, sacrifice more, obey more, serve others more, give more, trust more, etc– our faith in the Lord increases.

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How are you increasing your faith?

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