Four Words that will Change your Life

What four words could change your life? Think for a minute. My mind goes to thoughts such as, “Will you marry me?” or how about “I won the lottery!” or a challenging one of “I have brain cancer”.  What is your life-changing four word sentence? Simon Peter shares his during an encounter with Jesus in Luke 5.

“When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.” — Luke 5:4-6

Simon and his crew just finished a night of fishing in which they caught nothing. He is washing his nets, getting his equipment ready for the next day’s work and probably feeling frustrated that he has nothing to show for his time when Jesus tells him to go back out on the water, during the daylight, because there are fish to be caught. Now is not the right time Simon probably thought because after all he is the one who fishes for a living and grew up on this lake. So when Jesus tells him to throw down his net for a catch, Simon responds in a way that screams “you are inconveniencing me”. Simon was anticipating failure and was waiting to say I told you so but Jesus showed up unexpected in the catch. I too often miss seeing God in my daily moments because I often don’t expect him to be in them.

It was in this internal battle of whether to do what Jesus asks him to do that Simon’s utters his four word sentence. Because you say so is a defining moment in one’s life when you say “this makes no sense to me but because you say so, I will obey.” What you are really saying is “You’re the boss Jesus not me” and isn’t obedience, like discipleship, such a power struggle?

So how do you view inconveniences? Saying the words are the easy part but doing it requires focusing on the what and not the how. How I act in response to inconveniences is a reflection of my relationship with Christ. I find the conflict or issue usually isn’t between me and the person making the request but between me and God. Am I going to surrender my time, talents and treasures to the God of the Universe or choose to keep controlling things myself?

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Whom or what are you playing tug-a-war with?

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