Don’t Sell, Align

A marketing thought from college that still sticks with me today is “Always enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind.” Whoa! And Jesus was the master at it.

After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam”. So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.” — John 9:6-8

The first words from Jesus to a man he had never seen nor talked to before was a directive to help him. The blindman’s unspoken request was written all over this beggar’s heart. He was tired of being supported by the community, tired of living by the city gate, and tired of living in the dark. Jesus had a way of entering conversations three steps ahead of us because he aligned with our thoughts and attitudes instead of trying to compete. And in doing so, generated the outcomes that we are deeply seeking.

This approach is even more relevant today. Because of the internet, buyers aren’t seeking information from sales reps because they can get that researching on their own; instead, they are seeking alignment. So the key for your sales team is connecting with prospects in relevant ways. Start challenging your sales team to stop convincing and start aligning with the clients, customers, and prospects that will grow your company to new levels of success.

  • How do you effectively communicate and align for today’s consumers or supporters?
  • How do you build bridges using the right words, stories, and messaging to actively engage customers in the buying and referral process?
  • What does it take to develop followers who will remain loyal, even in today’s competitive market?

This is why it’s critical you stay plugged in to what your prospects are talking about, searching for, responding to, and buying. And to listen in a way for those who are on an unspoken spiritual journey.

All good marketing begins with your prospect. To get their attention, start with what already has it.

Reflection |

How can alignment, and not selling, help you generate more wins and/or more faith conversations today?

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