Doing Heart Construction

Hurricane Michael ripped through Puerto Rico killing many and damaging much. With winds exceeding 125 mph, very few structures were not affected, and those that did survive, it was because they were built over code. Meaning they were willing to  put in more time, effort, and money than was what was expected.

  1. instead of a foundation of 24″ these were 48″;
  2. instead of shingles at x they were built for Y;
  3. instead of windows to resist 80 mph winds windows to resist 150 mph were used.

As a result, these buildings were strong enough to withstand storms.

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.” –Matthew 7:24-27

In Jesus’ last message in the Sermon on the Mount, people were trying to shortcut the heart value process so Jesus shares His wisdom in a way they could relate. Jesus was not concerned with house construction or building code violations but saw that too many people were not understanding what it takes to be a Jesus follower through what is coming towards them. We are each building a life. The proper foundation for a life is Jesus’ words—not just the hearing of them, but the doing them, too– and that takes effort, work and time in the Word.

In order to survive storms, you have to be rooted in something.

  • Mere works aren’t enough either.
  • Church attendance isn’t enough.
  • Sunday school isn’t enough.

These are exterior works. Jesus just said that mere works is not enough to prove that the heart has been changed. So what is being described here? A wise man comes to Jesus in faith, repenting of sin and trusting Him as Savior, and “builds his house” on the foundation of Jesus and His word. Living faith produces the fruit of obedience. Too often though I don’t want to put in the time, effort, and discipline that obedience requires as well.

  • So are you building your life on shallow friendships or deep connections?
  • So are you building your life on an elite neighborhood or investing in someone’s life?
  • So are you consumed with climbing the corporate ladder or climbing the hearts of your kids?

What price do you put on heart construction?

Reflection |

What are you building your life on?

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